Saturday, I did my longest run before this marathon. 20 miles. It was supposed to be last week, but with working last Saturday, I had to miss my running group, and then it never happened during the week. Just setting aside that much time makes it nearly impossible to do during the week. It wasn't as hard as other 20 milers I've done, but I've come to learn at around 18 miles things will just hurt, no matter how many times you've done them. Hips, toes, shoulders, they all just ache at that much running.
After two weeks of VERY hilly routes, this route was pretty flat, and I felt that I was flying through it. I stayed strong up until mile 16, where my group headed back home (they were only doing 17) and I had to keep going. I had been preparing myself mentally for that break, and I'm glad I did, because it was still tough even after miles of "You're doing 20 today." "You are strong to do 20." over and over again in my head.
I didn't have a time goal, but I ended up finishing it in 4 hours 9 minutes. And I was thrilled. Not to mention burning almost 2,000 calories before breakfast. I always feel more secure after the longest run before a marathon, and now I'm beginning to get a bit excited about Cowtown. Just a few more weeks!
Any run as good as that should be celebrated with a date night. I mean, I never have that many calories to use, so why not use them on a few good dark beers?