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Friday, March 4, 2011

Run the Race

Last weekend Samuel and I went to Fort Worth for the Cowtown marathon!  We had a great weekend visiting my parents (we had not seen them since the wedding!!)

Thanks to Mom, Dad, Gran and Papa I had these new running shoes for the race: 
Samuel and I both got new running shoes for our birthdays from family.  What an awesome gift!  We took our gift cards and got them on Valentines day...maybe not romantic, but we were happy!  (and the only people in the store!)

The morning of the race Travis Avenue had a mini-worship service before start time.  What a great ministry and a way to see the church active in the running  community!
Then it was time to get started...and of course the nerves kick in...so Dad and I took a picture.  He's a pro.
Overall Cowtown was great!  I got  PR (woohoo)--with less training than last year's race!  It took me 30 minutes to find Mom and Sam after the race..not the best set up this year.  Cowtown should go back to the old course.  They should be reminded of the saying "If something isn't broken, don't fix it!" 

Here I am after the race finally able to smile and feel my legs again!
Yes, that barn behind me says "sheep"...not the best idea to have runners who are gasping for air run through the (very very stinky) stockyards. 

This weekend is a big one for us...we have bank day tomorrow!!  Changing bank accounts is about the last thing on our list of changing names/combining everything.  We will be the first people at the bank in the morning because we are so darn excited!!  Goodbye Bank of America, Hello Chase! 

Tonight we are going on a date!  (Thanks to a movie gift card from my aunt and uncle)...still not sure what we are seeing (we have not been to a movie since last summer).  True Grit, Black Swan, The Fighter and King's Speech are all in the running. 

We have a birthday dinner for a friend tomorrow night--we love learning more and more about Houston--there are tons of great places to eat!

Looking forward to a great weekend in our great city!  Enjoy your weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Hey hey, sweet girl!
    Sorry I'm not much of a blog-commenter, but I love keeping up with my Little La. =)
    I wish I could have your detication-I HAVE to run but still hate it. Congrats on your run time-love you!


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