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Friday, January 6, 2012

a cup of jo

If you were to come over and have a cup of coffee,
we'd be in the airport waiting on my flight.

and I could tell you how exited I am to be headed to Disney World.
and I might be just a teensy bit nervous about the race.
but mostly so excited.

I would tell you how expectant I am for 2012.
for the ways the Lord will move and provide for our little family.
I know he will provide a path for schooling for me, and I can't wait to be a part of that story.

I would spill praise for the Lord for our jobs.
our house, our health. We are richly blessed.

I would tell you that I'm praying for change in myself.
a content heart, a patient spirit.  I'm weak and incapable of change
but trusting in the One who can change any heart.

If you were to come over and share a cup of coffee,
what would you share from your heart?



  1. I would share that I really struggle with comparing myself to other bloggers & feeling like I'm not good enough...but I know that I am precious in God's eyes. :)

    Happy Friday, Lauren!

  2. I would share that it is such a pleasure reading your blog and actually know the girl behind it. I love that we can keep in touch this way!

    PS Are you going to Disney by yourself?! Have a wonderful time!

  3. I would share that I'm so excited and entirely terrified that we are buy a new house and having a baby all in the next couple months. God is going to be busy keeping me sane.


A comment, A comment! Oh how I love your thoughts. Thank you in advance, I can't wait to read your message.

I also want to thank you for your visit whether it be your first, second, tenth, or hundredth. I truly appreciate you friend!
