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Thursday, January 26, 2012

deleting it all

some days I just want to delete it all.
the blog, facebook, twitter
it can feel so heavy, it can leave so much pressure

the past few days I've really been thinking about why I blog and what I blog about
when I'm posting regulary I can spend hours writing/editing pictures for the week's posts

and there is a fine line between blogging about life
and living life for the blog

i've looked back at old posts, and out of the 200 or so I have
I only really like about 30.

what I have missed about being "gone" is the community.
this online community of women is a powerful thing.

so this little hiatus has me seeing a new vision for the blog.
the blog as more of a storybook of our life.
it's not what grows blogs, and that's okay.
but I want the blog to be a place where my voice tells the story of my family.
so it's all staying--not really deleting anything.
but it's changing.

it's a change that needed to come
and a change I am excited about.

ps: for those of you who have been following our heart of thankfulness series, that post will go up tomorrow.


  1. Oh yes, I love the community. If it weren't for that, it would be easy for me to stop blogging all together. Glad to see you back, and changes are good. :)

  2. changes can be good, Lauren!!! :) good luck and i cant wait to read more!


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