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Thursday, March 22, 2012

out there

these new blue pants are out there.
out of my comfort zone.
they draw attention.
comments, and questions.

but I'm learning that out of my comfort zone is the best way to live
completely relying on the only One who has power

"Some trust in chariots, and some in horses
but we trust in the Lord our God"  Ps. 20: 7

 so for that, I won't fear,
but follow the hand that guides me, 
step by step
until I look back and see,
we're at the place that seemed impossible.

do you do them yourself, or have help
and if you are like me, and using the self timer
how do you find the right spot, light, etc?

because my dirty mirror is not looking so hot.


  1. I just read Psalm 20 this morning - love that verse!

    I think you are totally rocking the blue pants...be brave, girl! ;)

  2. Yay, the blue pants!! Looking great, Lauren! As far as pictures go, my husband bought me a really awesome tripod for like $20 on Amazon. Lighting...I think I still have issues with because I'm just not good at photography, but I've just been looking at online tutorials for beginners on how to use manual settings and such.


  3. Love your blue pants. And the verse you quoted. :) I've never taken outfit pictures. I'm saving for a tripod. :)


A comment, A comment! Oh how I love your thoughts. Thank you in advance, I can't wait to read your message.

I also want to thank you for your visit whether it be your first, second, tenth, or hundredth. I truly appreciate you friend!
