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Tuesday, March 20, 2012


I'm a seasonal person.
I love pumpkin in the fall.
fresh flowers in the spring.
and in the winter, you'll almost always find me curled up with a book and a blanket.

here in Houston, spring is in the air
I spent Friday at lunch on the patio, and just relished the breeze.
the quiet rustling of the trees, the change in the air
it's refreshing and renewing

just as my heart begins to wander, to yearn for different,
the Lord brings it.
(Don't hear this as: He gives me what I want.)
But rather, hear this as He knows my heart and loves so personally
that He gives those changes in little things.

in flowers blooming,
in spring breezes,
in daylight in the evening

He's ever loving me,
wooing me more
back to Himself.

 if there's anything I've learned, it's to enjoy the season.
each is over so fast. 
I am not saying I don't wish for the days ahead
but I know that we are here, in Houston, where we are for this season.
and so I will cherish it.
because before too long, this season will go

1 comment:

  1. every season brings something new, i love the baby animals that spring brings :)


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