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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

how we got here: part 1

We are in the middle of our first summer in Houston.
and it's hot.
and it reminds me of moving to Houston last August.
I can't believe at the end of the summer I will have been here for a year.
A year post college. A year of working.
It makes me remember the crazy journey the husband (but during the story he fills all the roles of boyfriend, fiancee, and husband)! and I took to get here to Houston. It has been a great thing for us,
I think back on that week now and see the hand of the Lord in every moment.

it all really starts with the engagement: June 12, 2010.
We were both finishing college and set to graduate in August 2010.
We had the date we wanted for the wedding picked out the night we got engaged. So convenient that Sam had a surprise party planned where both sets of parents were present. It was going to be December 18, 2010. After a few weeks of convincing the church of this, the date was set.

Then August came. I had two interviews in Houston. We seriously considered moving out of Austin. Sam wanted more than anything to stay in Austin. While I wanted to stay, I didn't see it as a real possibility job-wise.

I had a third interview in Austin. The position was an overnight shift. newlywedness + overnight shift = not promising start to marriage.

Samuel graduated August 15th. I accepted the job in Houston that day. They wanted me to start on Monday. In three days. I told them I needed a week. I had to find a place to live. I "officially" graduated the next day. (We had both done our ceremonies the past May).

Friday night Sam and I were at dinner with his sister and Dad. I got a call from my Dad. Nanny had gone to be with Jesus. My parents knew she had been sick and in the hospital; but had kept the severity of the situaion from me as I finished my last set of finals. Sitting at the dinner table with the phone to my ear, speechless, tears streamed down my face. Sam knew.

The day I accepted my first real job, the day before my last ever day of college, Nanny went to be with Jesus. I didn't cry for her soul; she was far happier than this Earth could ever make her. I cried for my loneliness. I cried for the phone calls I wouldn't have with her. I cried for her missing my wedding day.


  1. Love hearing about your life, friend. Does it seem like when it rains it pours? But it's good to look back and see how God provided.

    I also loved your post about the doilies runner. I wish I had some to make one!

  2. hey girl, i enjoyed reading through this and learning more about your life. You always sense that God is with you and I admire that :) My grandma passed away just before my wedding and like you, I knew she was in a better place but I couldn't help but cry because she wouldn't be there.

    P.S. Hope your western VBS with the babies is going well. I am having so much fun with my three year olds!


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